Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Book Review: The Movement of Kings by Nadine Keels

The Movement of Kings (Movement of Crowns Book 3)
By Nadine Keels
Publisher: Nadine Keels
Published: December 23rd 2013

Amazon Synopsis:

The order of things, the nature of succession, and a nation that must march on...

At a time of political and cultural uncertainty, the charge of the Eubeltic Realm has been passed over to a young monarch known for his intelligence, agility, and brooding ways, as well as the "way" he has with vibrant ladies at court. Can this inexperienced king handle the current rise of domestic and colonial crises, the bereavement of his family, and his curious attraction to a councilman's unassuming daughter, or is everything in his untried hands on the verge of falling apart?

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 My Thoughts:

The Movement of Kings takes place at least 20 years in the future from the ending of The Movement of Rings.  Both King Matthias and Queen Constance have died early deaths and now on the throne sits the queen’s eldest son, barely an adult, King Alexander. Next in line is his very ill younger brother Prince Joshua.

The Movement of Kings shows the emotional turmoil a young man has at all that is thrown at him when he is expected to lead a country while mourning his mother’s death, quell the rising tide of unrest among the colonies and allay the fears of his people regarding the mysterious plague attacking the kingdom that some say is the punishment for the joining of the two realms of Munda and Diachona.

How does a young man deal with all of that when he doesn’t even yet have confidence in himself? This is a coming of age novel where Alexander grows by leaps and bounds not just emotionally, but spiritually as well.

There were a number of twists and turns that took me by surprise. I really enjoyed the way the characters handled them and the outcomes that they brought. They really showed Providence at work.

I did feel a bit as though this novel “told” the story a little more than the other two as opposed to making me feel like a part of it, but the dialogue and scenes of interaction felt very real. I enjoyed the characters from the previous books that were carried over into this one as that brought continuity to this one.

I found myself sorry to see the series end when I turned the last page which I consider to be one of the marks of a good book – leave them wanting just a little bit more – not because of a cliffhanger, but because the reader will miss being part of the character’s lives.

As a reader of fantasy and clean romance, I gave this book a rating of 4 out of 5. I would recommend it along with the other two books in the series.

Thank you to the author for providing the book in exchange for a fair and honest review. A positive opinion was not required. All thoughts are my own.

If you think this series might interest you, you can check out my review of the first book in the series The Movement of Crowns here, and you can get a copy for FREE on Amazon here.

About the Author:

Nadine. A French name, meaning, "hope." 

Spreading hope to her readers and listening audiences, author, editor, and speaker Nadine C. Keels of Seattle, Washington is well-known for The Song of Nadine, the powerful lyrical poetry seen in four of her several books and found on her spoken word album, Hope. Lyricized. Drawing from her lifelong passion for highly enjoyable and transformational fiction, Nadine has written a number of novels and novellas, including Love Unfeigned and The Movement of Crowns Series.

In response to inquiries from other aspiring authors, Nadine put together a simple reference entitled Write Your Genius, Genius! A Rather Quick Guide to Book Writing. Being the founder of Prismatic Prospects, a communication company based in Seattle, Nadine has served as editor and co-editor for a number of titles, and it is her aim to be a proven wellspring of inspiration for creativity and innovation in the marketplace.

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