The Eve Project (Machines of the Little People)
by Tegon Maus
Contemporary / Soft
Published: April 22, 2014
Amazon Synopsis:
Ben Harris’s sister died of cervical cancer more than three
years ago… his best friend and her husband, Roger Keswick, disappeared the day
before the funeral. For the next six months everyone from the local police to
the Department of Defense searched for him but to no avail… it was as if
he had simply fallen off the face of the planet only to reappear at work as if
nothing were out of the ordinary at all.
Then by the purest of coincidences Ben finds himself pulled
back into Roger’s life only
to discover he has remarried… to Jessica… a
woman that looks, sounds and acts just like his dead sister. To
complicate things, Roger is insistent his home, his car, his life is infested
with tiny elf like creatures he calls the Katoy. He claims they run massive
machines under his house and watch his every move… every move that is until
Jessica is found bludgeoned to death in his living room and Roger is nowhere to
found… again.
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My Thoughts:
In The Eve Project
the protagonist Ben Harris is confused about what is going on with his
brother-in-law Roger Keswick for at least the first third of the book. As the reader,
you will be too while the author keeps you guessing. Little by little you will
discover what is going on.
Nothing is as it seems in this story. Roger is not as crazy
as he seems. The killer may not be who it appears to be. Even the people may
not be who they say they are. This novel is most extra-ordinary in how the
author can take something and logically make it to be something else.
I did find it difficult at the outset to follow the story,
but as it progressed, more and more pieces fit into place like a puzzle until
the whole picture was completed. The reader will have to have enough patience
to keep reading until the whole picture is finished. The story is very cleverly
I think the science was a little far-fetched in this novel,
but since I am not a science buff, and this is science fiction, that didn’t
particularly bother me.
One thing is for sure. The
Eve Project is filled with unique characters. Ben suffers from something
called B.C.E.D. (Bio-chemical Electrical Discharge). Basically he makes all
things electrical go haywire whenever he gets within a few feet of them –
televisions, security systems, telephones, coffee machines, ATMs, you name it.
Roger is totally eccentric and claims there are little men living and working
in and under his house. Then there are a couple of psychic old ladies, plus
Roger’s new wife who looks just like his deceased wife Kate (who just happened
to be Ben’s sister).
I think you’ll enjoy this author’s wild imagination! It
makes for a good read. I gave this book 4 stars out of 5.
Thank you to the publisher for providing a copy of this book
in exchange for a fair and honest exchange. All thoughts are my own.
About the Author:
I was raised
pretty much the same as everyone else... devoted mother, strict father and all
the imaginary friends I could conjure. Not that I wasn't friendly, I just
wasn't "people orientated". Maybe I lived in my head way more than I
should have, maybe not. I liked machines more than people, at least I did until
I met my wife.
The first thing I can
remember writing was for her. For the life of me I can't remember what it was
about... something about dust bunnies under the bed and monsters in my closet.
It must have been pretty good because she married me shortly after that. I
spent a good number of years after inventing games and prototypes for a variety
of ideas before I got back to writing.
It wasn't a deliberate
conscious thought, it was more of a stepping stone. My wife and I had joined a
dream interpret group and we were encouraged to write down our dreams as they
occurred. "Be as detailed as you can," we were told.
I was thrilled. If there
is one thing I enjoy it's making people believe me and I like to exaggerate.
Not a big exaggeration or an out right lie mine you, just a little step out of
sync, just enough so you couldn't be sure if it were true or not. When I
write, I always write with the effort of "it could happen" very much
in mind and nothing, I guarantee you, nothing, makes me happier.
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