The Daughter of the Sea and the Sky by David Litwack has launched! This fabulous title is available now on all online retailers and in your local book stores. You aren't going to want to miss this new literary journey exploring the clash between reason and faith, and the power of hope and love.
The Book

A mysterious nine-year-old from the Blessed Lands sails into the lives of a couple in the Republic, claiming to be the Daughter of the Sea and the Sky. Is she a troubled child longing to return home, or a
powerful prophet sent to unravel the fabric of the Republic? The answer will change the lives of all she meets… and perhaps their world as well.
Author: David Litwack
Genre: Fantasy/Speculative Literary Fiction
Publisher: Evolved Publishing
My Review
Nine-year-old Kailani is rescued from a small boat that shipwrecks near some cliffs where two young people, Jason and Helena are enjoying the beach. Kailani is from the Blessed Lands where society is based solely on their religious beliefs and she has landed on the shores of The Republic whose society is based only on science and reasoning (no religion).
Jason and Helena have just rekindled an old childhood friendship after a several-year parting of ways when she went away to school. Helena had returned to nurse her father in his final days before succumbing to terminal illness.
Kailani is taken away by an officer of the Department of Separation for entering the country illegally and Jason and Helena, having been touched by the sweetness of the young child are concerned about her being imprisoned in such a place see what they can do to help her.
Daughter of the Sea and Sky was a very captivating story. It was a story with many dimensions. It was a love story. It was a story of endings and beginnings. And it was a story about spiritual beliefs and the right to have that belief.
Kailani was a very mysterious child. She would not tell anyone who her parents were beyond that she was the child of the sea and the sky. They knew she was from the Blessed Lands because of the things that she said. Anyone in the Republic would be put in prison for talking about spiritual things.
I enjoyed how Kailani's presence affected the relationships of the people around her. Without Kailani's presence, it's probably doubtful that Helena and her mother would have reconciled, and quite possible that they might never have seen one another again. Kailani shows how important spiritual beliefs are to people.
The love story in The Daughter of the Sea and the Sky is not just between Jason and Helena, but it is about the love of parents for their children, and what they will do to find them when they are lost. This was the most touching part of this book.
This was an emotional story, discussing a theme that many people have distinct and varying opinions on. I thought David Litwack’s did an excellent job of showing that there is room for both science and faith.
The Daughter of the Sea and the Sky is a memorable story. I definitely wanted to know who she was and why she was there. I got so lost in the story that I had to be careful when I was reading it because I would literally tune out everything around me and not hear my name being called (nearly missed an appointment!) while I was reading.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading The Daughter of the Sea and the Sky and would happily read it again. I gave it 5 stars out of 5.
Thank you to the author for providing a copy in exchange for a fair and honest review. A positive opinion was not required. All thoughts are my own.
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