Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Book Review: Undertow by Michael Buckley

By Michael Buckley
Publisher: HMH Books for Young Readers
Published: May 5, 2015

Amazon Synopsis:

Sixteen-year-old Lyric Walker’s life is forever changed when she witnesses the arrival of 30,000 Alpha, a five-nation race of ocean-dwelling warriors, on her beach in Coney Island. The world’s initial wonder and awe over the Alpha quickly turns ugly and paranoid and violent, and Lyric’s small town transforms into a military zone with humans on one side and Alpha on the other. When Lyric is recruited to help the crown prince, a boy named Fathom, assimilate, she begins to fall for him. But their love is a dangerous one, and there are forces on both sides working to keep them apart. Only, what if the Alpha are not actually the enemy? What if they are in fact humanity’s only hope of survival? Because the real enemy is coming. And it’s more terrifying than anything the world has ever seen.

Action, suspense, and romance whirlpool dangerously in this cinematic saga, a blend of District 9 andThe Outsiders.

Book Links
Amazon  *  Goodreads  *  B&N

Monday, June 29, 2015

Odin's Child Blog Tour, Interview and Excerpt with Bruce Macbain

Publication Date: May 26, 2015 
Blank Slate Press Formats: eBook, 
Trade Paperback Pages: 400 
 Genre: Historical Fiction

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Driven from the flaming ruin of his Iceland farmhouse, young Odd Tangle-Hair, the only survivor of a feud in which his family is slaughtered, steals a ship, rounds up a rag-tag crew and embarks on the Viking life. He swears one day to return, rich and powerful enough to take vengeance on his enemies.
But how far off that day seems!

His father, Black Thorvald, had once been a chieftain in Iceland. But in the year 1000, when the country adopted Christianity, Thorvald denounced the new faith and shut himself up in his hall, shunning the world and shunned by it. Odd fears that the worm of cowardice that unmanned his father has infected him too. He has inherited from Thorvald a shock of black hair, a gift for poetry, and an allegiance to Odin, god of battles and magic. But Odd is heir to darker traits as well—a hint of madness and a temper which will sometimes cost him dearly.

Fate carries him and his men to a shamanistic healer in Lapland, to bloody religious strife in Norway, to the lair of a witch in Finland, and finally to the borders of Russia. Here Odd will leave his comrades behind to join the retinue of a Norwegian princeling who is fleeing to the court of Yaroslav, Grand Prince of Rus. New dangers wait for him in that faraway country. Eager, curious, quick-witted—and sometimes wrong-headed—Odd Tangle-Hair recounts his story with candor, insight, and always an ironic sense of humor.

Odin's Child Available at

Praise for Odin's Child

“Meticulous research and poetic writing make Odin's Child a multilayered masterpiece...It brings medieval Scandinavia vividly alive. Written with passion, peopled with superbly realized characters, I was gripped from the very first page of this historical novel.” -Carol McGrath, author of The Handfasted Wife and The Swan-Daughter

“[Macbain’s] writing is vivid and compelling, and his understanding of Norse and Icelandic culture and history is woven deftly throughout the tale. The cast of characters is well-fleshed out and Odd makes for a wonderful protagonist. I thoroughly enjoyed this novel, and I eagerly await its sequel. Highly recommended.” -Historical Novels Review, Editor’s Choice

Excerpt from Chapter 1: The Stallion Fight At Thingholt

On that day in May, as we rode to the stallion fight at Thingholt, my fate showed itself to me. A raven flew low across the sky into the rising sun and the moment I saw it I knew that Odin had spoken to me and that he would give me courage for the thing I had secretly made up my mind to do.

Only now, half a century later, do I see what a long text was folded into that swift vision. The spring of my sixteenth year had come early to the South Quarter of Iceland, with hot-cold days and thunderclouds sweeping up over the mountains. The stallions, smelling the air, trembled and kicked against their stalls. At this season if you stake out a mare where the stallions can smell her, they will fight like berserkers to get at her, and a great one will die before he breaks and runs.

Black Grani was such a one. This was his fourth spring and the time had come to bring him to the South Quarter Thing and fight him. Thorvald, my father, grumbled and held back, but I gave him no peace, until, at last, he flung up an arm, which meant 'yes'. Although my brother Gunnar and I had set out early from the farm, the day was far gone before we came in sight of Thingholt plain and heard the distant shouts of men and the whinnying of horses.

We left Grani and our mounts at the horse lines and walked across the sparse heath into the holiday crowd. And as we pushed our way through, there were some who knew us. A few old men came up and in low voices asked to be remembered to our father. But one red-faced woman, seeing us, cried, "Jesu!" and dragged her little daughter from our path.

Interview Q and A

Tell me a little about the setting and characters of “Odin’s Child”.
 “Odin’s Child” is set in the Viking world of the 11th century, at a time when Christianity was triumphing everywhere over heathenism. But my hero (the book’s narrator), Odd Tangle-Hair, is a stubborn young pagan who refuses to convert. Everything that happens to him subsequently stems from that fact, especially from his intense love-hate relationship with his heathen father,  Black Thorvald.

Why did you decide to make a pagan your hero?
For dramatic reasons. In the same way that I suppose Margaret Mitchell, in Gone with the Wind, chose to make her hero and heroine Southerners. When you tell a story about a clash of cultures where there is a winner and a loser, and the losers  know they’re doomed yet struggle on, that is always where you find the drama and pathos. Winners are boring, losers engage our emotions.

What sort of person is Odd Tangle-Hair? You have called him “a thinking man’s Viking.” What do you mean by that?
He is a complex mixture  of good and bad traits. From his father Black Thorvald he has inherited (besides his black, shaggy hair and powerful build) a strain of melancholy—even of madness—and a sometimes ungovernable temper, which gets him into trouble. I’m sure he is the only fictional Viking you will ever meet who suffers from PTSD! On the other hand, he has a good heart, is a loyal friend, and is brave and resourceful, as a hero should be. He is also a gifted poet and a natural linguist. He is curious, inquisitive, and he reasons about every new thing that comes his way.

Who is your target audience for this novel?
Well, naturally, anyone who likes historical fiction, especially of the Dark Age. In particular, though, I’m hoping that modern heathens will like the book. There are quite a few of them around. They have dozens of online communities and several interesting websites. I reached out to them with a query asking them to tell me why they converted to heathenism from whatever they were brought up as. I got back some very heartfelt and thoughtful responses. You can read about it on my blog, www.brucemacbain.blogspot.com  .

You have a doctorate in Greek and Roman history and  your two previous novels were mysteries set in ancient Rome; what made you switch to the Vikings now?
I think I owe it all to Prince Valiant. You’re probably not old enough to remember that wonderful strip from back in the golden age of comics. The art work by the great Hal Foster was fantastic, teeming with Vikings, barbarians, Arthurian knights, and  what-have-you. I grew up on it. And I have an autographed drawing Prince Val by Foster, given to my father, which hangs on my wall now, right above my computer. You can see a photo of  it on my blog too.

Say something about the research you did for “Odin’s Child” and the other books in the Odd Tangle-Hair trilogy.
The starting point for any Viking novel has to be the literature of Medieval Iceland: the sagas, which recount the family feuds and battles of those early Icelanders, and the Eddas, which are collections of myths, poems, and wise sayings. Even though these works are a century or more removed from the time they purport to describe, they are still the best—really the only—source for details of daily life, beliefs, and attitudes of the Viking Age.

“Odin’s Child” takes place in Iceland, Lapland, Norway, and Finland. Where does Odd go next?
The second novel, The Ice Queen, takes Odd (and his one-legged friend, Einar Tree-Foot) to Russia to serve in the retinue of young prince Harald the Ruthless. (This will be published in November). The concluding novel, The Guardsman, will take Odd to Golden Miklagard, that is, Constantinople, where he joins the famed Varangian Guard of the Byzantine emperor. And then, finally, back to Iceland again, where he started from.

There are elements in your story that read like fantasy: for example a berserker who is half wolf, a sorceror and a witch, and prophetic dreams. Would you call this a fantasy novel?
No, it sneaks right up to the line but doesn’t cross it. Odd, of course, as a man of his time, believes in the supernatural, but he is also enough of a rationalist to always hint at a more mundane explanation for uncanny events.  So the reader can take his choice.

You’ve written academic history as well as fiction; which kind of writing do you prefer?
Oh, fiction is much more fun—but harder. You have to do all the same research for both but with fiction you’re not allowed to be boring.

When you write fiction, is your inner historian ever at war with your inner novelist?
All the time. When I ‘bend’ a fact (shall we say) in a novel in order to make the story better, I always battle with my conscience.

So, if you do ‘bend’ a fact here and there, what do you think is your responsibility to the reader?
To come clean. A reader is entitled to know what he has or hasn’t learned of actual history. Mind you, ‘actual history’ has to be put in quotes when we’re talking about the Viking Age. The sources are half-fiction to begin with. But I always include an author’s note at the end of my books confessing to whatever sins I know I committed.

Can you name one or two authors who have influenced your style?
I love nineteenth century fiction—Dickens above all. I find him creeping stealthily into my writing if I’m not careful. I really do struggle to keep that under control.  And, too, I like modern authors who sound nineteenth century such as Patrick O’Brian (the Aubrey-Maturin novels) and George MacDonald Fraser (the Flashman novels). I’ve learned a lot about writing from all of them.

What sort of things do you read for pleasure? Is your reading mostly confined to the periods you write about?
No, anything but. I read a lot of history and biography, mostly modern; and some contemporary fiction, including mysteries.

What do you like to do in your spare time?
I actually don’t have a lot of spare time, but I do like to cook. Every couple of weeks I will produce an extravaganza for me and my wife, which usually involves seafood and dozens of ingredients. It takes me all day and the kitchen is a shambles, but there are plenty of leftovers.

About the Author

03_Bruce Macbain_Author

From boyhood, Bruce Macbain spent his days in reading history and historical fiction. The Greeks and Romans have held a special fascination for him and this led to earning a master’s degree in Classical Studies and a doctorate in Ancient History.

Along the way, he also taught English as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Borneo. Later, he taught courses in Greek and Roman civilization at Vanderbilt University and Boston University, and published a few dense scholarly monographs, read by very few.

Recently, he has turned to writing fiction, a much more congenial pursuit. He has previously published two historical mysteries set in ancient Rome, Roman Games and its sequel, The Bull Slayer. Now, he has turned his attention to his other favorite folk, the Vikings.

Odin's Child is the first novel of a trilogy, Odd Tangle-Hair’s Saga, which follows our hero—a wanderer, poet and warrior—from his tiny Iceland farm to the Great Palace in Constantinople. It will be published by Blank Slate Press in May, 2015.

Bruce spends his spare time in the kitchen, cooking spicy food. For more information please visit Bruce Macbain's website. You can also follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Goodreads.

Odin's Child Blog Tour Schedule

Monday, June 29
Review at A Book Geek
Interview at Shelf Full of Books
Spotlight & Giveaway at Unshelfish

Tuesday, June 30
Interview at Brooke Blogs

Wednesday, July 1
Review at Book Nerd

Friday, July 3
Spotlight at Layered Pages
Spotlight & Giveaway at Teddy Rose Book Reviews Plus More

Monday, July 6
Interview at A Literary Vacation

Tuesday, July 7
Spotlight & Giveaway at Passages to the Past

Wednesday, July 8
Spotlight at CelticLady's Reviews

Thursday, July 9
Review at Bookramblings

Friday, July 10
Review at Just One More Chapter

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Saturday, June 27, 2015

Book Review: Celia and Cedric: Little Green Dragon by Erin Kurt and Laara Exsnar

The Yummy Adventures of Celia and Cedric: Little Green Dragon
By Erin Kurt and Laara Exsnar
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Published: April 18, 2015
ISBN: 9781507699294

Amazon Synopsis:

Celia and Cedric meet a new friend! In this new adventure, they meet the Little Green Dragon, who becomes a fun playmate and an inspiration for a yummy new recipe. Celia and Cedric enjoy the Little Green Dragon's smoothie and you can, too! 

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Friday, June 26, 2015

Book Review: Mobility Matters: Stepping Out in Faith by Amy Bovaird

Mobility Matters: Stepping Out in Faith
By Amy Bovaird
Publisher: Amy Bovaird
Published: Oct. 3, 2014

Amazon Synopsis:

 Adventurous international teacher, Amy Bovaird, is diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa, a hereditary eye disease that will blind her. In spite of that, she manages to continue teaching overseas. Then her father’s final illness brings her back home for good. There, friends and acquaintances begin to notice that she doesn’t always recognize them and sometimes stumbles…as if drunk! Insensitive students ridicule her in the classroom. Unwilling to accept that she is truly losing her eyesight, Amy resists when the Bureau of Blindness schedules a mobility specialist to begin training her to use a white cane.  How can she, an independent world traveler, use something that screams 'I am a blind person'?  Will her faith prove strong enough to allow her to move forward and accept herself as she is

Available for $0.99 from June 27 - June 30 on Amazon

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Thursday, June 25, 2015

Book Review: The Golden Treasure by Susan Day

The Golden Treasure: Book 2 in the Astro's Adventures Series
By Susan Day
Publisher: Susan Day
Published: Dec. 1, 2013

Amazon Synopsis:

In The Golden Treasure, Astro and our dedicated operatives are sent to find a secret treasure which has been stolen by the evil cat, Speed Bump Charlie. So secret is the Golden Treasure that the operatives are not even told what it is. They are simply told that it will find them at a cat show, of all places! 

What about the new puppy recruits? Will their special skills and enthusiasm be a match for the wicked cunning of Speed Bump Charlie? Will Commander Rocky be buried alive? And will our team return the Golden Treasure safely to its rightful home and save The Organisation? 

A secret organisation exists without detection and operates right under our very noses. Its sole purpose is to save dogs from neglect. It is manned by a tunnel digging terrier who carries a diamond encrusted nail file. A large dog for which the complexities of door handles are a complete mystery and who, instead, opens everything with his head. As well as, a commando, khaki wearing Blue heeler who is armed with a hunting bone and a smell grenade. And that’s just to name a few!

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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Book Review: Deadly Thyme by R.L. Nolen

Deadly Thyme
By R.L. Nolen
Publisher: SkipJack Publishing
Published: January 8, 2014

Amazon Synopsis:

When Ruth Butler escaped Texas for a sleepy seaside village in the south of England, it was to rescue her infant daughter from the perverted demon she’d married. But after ten peaceful years in Perrins Point, her daughter Annie disappears. 

Not far away, a madman has been trying in vain to turn back time. When Ruth turns out to be a dead ringer for his mother, the voices in his head haunt him day and night. The only way to stop his mother’s nagging is to kill her all over again . . . 

Ruth must rely on her instincts and the ally she finds in an undercover detective who’s in town on unrelated business, but neither can search for Annie’s kidnapper openly. Ruth could be deported for living under an alias and Detective Inspector Jon Graham would blow his cover. Nevertheless, the trail leads from a faceless body in Annie’s clothes to a smugglers’ cave, where the killer drains his victims’ blood an ounce at a time. But he’s got a special purpose for little Annie. He is patient. He will wait—until her mother comes to save her. 

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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Alawahea Cover Reveal and Excerpt with Sara L. Daigle

Fantasy/Sci-Fi Romance
Date Published: 7/16/2015

Tamara Carrington always felt different. One event in high school left her wondering if maybe she really was a freak, although she’d managed to leave that experience in the past—buried deep in her psyche. With the arrival of the exchange students from the planet of Azelle to her college, Tamara’s long buried memories threaten to erupt. As Tamara’s emotions build and her friendship with the Azellians grows, so does the knowledge of secrets within her own family.

With the deterioration of her mother’s health, Tamara doesn’t know where to turn for answers or solace. What has her family been hiding? Why does she feel inexplicably drawn to the Azellians? What will happen if she unleashes her long-suppressed passion? Will she survive or even recognize herself afterwards? Wanting answers, yet being afraid of what she might find, Tamara wonders if it would be better to remain asleep.

Monday, June 22, 2015

The Children of Darkness Book Blast and Giveaway with David Litwack

  Children of Darkness 
 The Children of Darkness,
 book one of the dystopian trilogy, 
The Seekers 
by David Litwack 

 "But what are we without dreams?"

 A thousand years ago the Darkness came--a time of violence and social collapse when technology ran rampant. But the vicars of the Temple of Light brought peace, ushering in an era of blessed simplicity. For ten centuries they have kept the madness at bay with "temple magic," eliminating forever the rush of progress that nearly caused the destruction of everything.

 Childhood friends, Orah and Nathaniel, have always lived in the tiny village of Little Pond, longing for more from life but unwilling to challenge the rigid status quo. When their friend Thomas returns from the Temple after his "teaching"—the secret coming-of-age ritual that binds the young to the Light—they barely recognize the broken and brooding man the boy has become. Then when Orah is summoned as well, Nathaniel follows in a foolhardy attempt to save her.

 In the prisons of Temple City, they discover a terrible secret that launches the three on a journey to find the forbidden keep, placing their lives in jeopardy. For hidden in the keep awaits a truth from the past that threatens the foundation of the Temple. If they reveal that truth, they might release the long-suppressed potential of their people, but they would also incur the Temple’s wrath as it is written: "If there comes among you a dreamer of dreams saying 'Let us return to the darkness,' you shall stone him, because he has sought to thrust you away from the light."

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Praise for The Children of Darkness
“A must-read page turner.” Kirkus Review “Litwack’s storytelling painted a world of both light and darkness–and the truth that would mix the two.” Fiction Fervor

 “The Children of Darkness is a dystopian novel that will stay with you long after you finish reading it.” C.P. Bialois

 “A fresh perspective on our own society...[an] enjoyable read that will make you wonder just how society will judge us in the future.” Lexie
Author David Litwack

David LitwackThe urge to write first struck when working on a newsletter at a youth encampment in the woods of northern Maine. It may have been the night when lightning flashed at sunset followed by northern lights rippling after dark. Or maybe it was the newsletter's editor, a girl with eyes the color of the ocean. But he was inspired to write about the blurry line between reality and the fantastic. Using two fingers and lots of white-out, he religiously typed five pages a day throughout college and well into his twenties. Then life intervened. He paused to raise two sons and pursue a career, in the process becoming a well-known entrepreneur in the software industry, founding several successful companies. When he found time again to daydream, the urge to write returned. After publishing two award winning novels, Along the Watchtower and The Daughter of the Sea and the Sky, he’s hard at work on the dystopian trilogy, The Seekers. David and his wife split their time between Cape Cod, Florida and anywhere else that catches their fancy. He no longer limits himself to five pages a day and is thankful every keystroke for the invention of the word processor.

 BookBlast Giveaway

$100 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 7/12/15 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Amazon.com Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

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Book Review: Destined for Trouble by Claudia Lefeve

Destined for Trouble (A Jules Cannon Mystery Book 1)
By Claudia Lefeve
Publisher: Thomas & Mercer
Published: June 23, 2015

Amazon Synopsis:

After getting dumped by her boyfriend, FBI crime analyst Jules Cannon flees to her hometown of Trouble Island, Texas, to nurse her wounds. All she wants to do is unwind, forget about her failed relationship, and work on her tan.

But when the owner of the local crab shack is murdered at Jules’s welcome-home party, she is forced to scrap her rest-and-relaxation plans. Now her best friend, Abby Lee, is the prime suspect, and her high school sweetheart, Deputy Chief Justin Harper, is working the case. Even though Jules knows she shouldn’t, she just can’t keep herself from getting involved in the investigation—and entangled with handsome Assistant District Attorney Hartley Crawford. While an old flame threatens to rekindle and a new one sparks, Jules must find a killer and prove her friend’s innocence. But will she put two and two together before trouble catches up with her?

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Saturday, June 20, 2015

Book Review: The Yummy Adventures of Celia and Cedric: Eat Dirt Balls by Erin Kurt and Laara Exsnar

The Yummy Adventures of Celia & Cedric: Eat Dirt Balls! (Volume 2)
By Erin Kurt and Laara Exsnar
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Published: Apr. 17, 2015
ISBN: 9781508712718

Amazon Synopsis:

After a rainy night Celia had a fun idea as usual. Who knew that what started out as mud and grass clippings would turn out to be the most delicious, delectable snack they or anyone else had tasted…yes, even Celia's teenage brother, Jake. This is the second book of "The Yummy Adventures of Celia & Cedric" series. Other books in the series are: "The Yummy Adventures of Celia & Cedric: Amazing Apples!" "The Yummy Adventures of Celia & Cedric: Little Green Dragon"

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Friday, June 19, 2015

Book Review: Murder Freshly Baked by Vannetta Chapman

Murder Freshly Baked (An Amish Village Mystery Book 3)
By Vannetta Chapman
Publisher: Zondervan
Published: June 9, 2015

Amazon Synopsis:

Don’t taste it
Don’t share it
Just throw it away
If you try my bakery pie
You won’t live to see another day.

The Amish Artisan Village of Middlebury, Indiana, might be the last place you would ever expect to find a murderer. But Amber has been managing the Village for decades and there’s nothing she hasn’t seen. Or so she thought.

When poetic notes begin appearing around the bakery, warning that some of the pies have been poisoned, Amber is as confused as she is concerned. Who poisons pies? And more to the point, who leaves poems of warning after they’ve done it? When Amber decides to help the police track down the sweet-toothed saboteur, she enlists Hannah Troyer for another round of Amish-style detective work.

Can Amber and Hannah help the police before the Poison Poet strikes? Both women will need to draw on their faith to preserve the peaceful community they’ve built in Middlebury . . . and to protect the girls who work in the Amish Artisan Village.

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Thursday, June 18, 2015

Book Review: PREP FOR DOOM by Band of Dystopian

Prep for Doom
By ER Arroyo , Laura Albins , Amy Bartelloni , Brea Behn , Casey L. Bond,TK Carter , Kate Corcino , Harlow C. Fallon , Kelsey D. Garmendia, Caroline A. Gill, DelSheree Gladden, John Gregory Hancock, Casey Hays, Kate L. Mary,Jon Messenger, Monica Enderle Pierce, Cameo Renae, Hilary Thompson, Yvonne Ventresca, Megan White
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Expected Publication Date: June 18, 2015
ISBN: 9781512226997

Amazon Synopsis:

From the imaginations of twenty authors of dystopian and post-apocalyptic fiction comes PREP FOR DOOM - an integrated collection of short stories that tell the tale of a single catastrophe as experienced by many characters, some of whom will cross paths. What begins with a seemingly innocuous traffic accident soon spirals into a global pandemic. The release of Airborne Viral Hemorrhagic Fever upon New York City’s unsuspecting populace brings bloody suffering within hours, death within a day, and spreads worldwide within a month. An online community called Prep For Doom has risen to the top of a recent doomsday preparation movement. Some have written them off as crazy while others couldn’t be more serious about the safety the preppers could provide in a global disaster. But when AVHF strikes, their preparation may not be enough to save them.

Book Links
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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Rhuna Book Blast with Barbara Underwood

Rhuna tour banner

Rhuna Crossroads

Rhuna: Crossroads

The sequel to Rhuna, Keeper of Wisdom, and the second book in an exciting and unique historical Fantasy series, Rhuna: Crossroads is set in exotic Ancient Egypt and features unforgettable characters and a riveting adventure. Some years have passed since Rhuna helped to defeat the Dark Master in her new home of Atlán, and now Rhuna has a teenage daughter who accompanies her on an assignment in Ancient Egypt to investigate some disturbing reports. She soon discovers an astonishing underground network of the Dark Master's followers, along with the secret group of Atlans dedicated to stopping them. In the process of trying to carry out her assignment, Rhuna is confronted with enormous challenges which could drastically change her entire life and everything she has ever believed in!

  Rhuna Keeper
Rhuna, Keeper of Wisdom - Book 1

In the distant past, when a utopian civilization built the pyramids and other megalithic structures using magical powers, a young girl named Rhuna learns the truth about her father and the enemy that caused his demise. The idyllic civilization in which she flourishes and finds love is threatened by this old nemesis, and only Rhuna possesses the special inherited skills to stop him.

Barbara UnderwoodAbout the author:

Born and raised in Sydney, Australia, Barbara has loved to write since early school days, and has now combined her travel experiences and interests in history, folklore and people in this exciting and unique Fantasy series. She now resides in Tumut, New South Wales, with her husband, Bobby, and their dog, Cisco.

Win a signed paperback copy of Rhuna: Crossroads

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Book Review: Vengeance is Mine by Harry James Krebs

Vengeance is Mine
By Harry James Krebs
Publisher: Peak City Publishing
Published: January 30, 2014

Amazon Synopsis:

2014 GOLD Readers' Favorite for Mystery/Murder 

Lex Allen, Reviewer for Readers' Favorite International Book Awards: "One often reads blurbs and reviews that talk about “fast paced”, “edge of your seat suspense” or “I couldn’t put it down.” In some cases these phrases are a bit exaggerated; in the instance of Vengeance is Mine by Harry James Krebs these phrases become understatements. This murder-mystery suspense thriller is among the very best I’ve read so far this year." 

Driven by a traumatic, violent event in his teenage years, Benjamin Tucker, a true crime author and amateur detective, is obsessed with solving crimes near his home turf of Holly Springs, North Carolina. When a series of decapitated female victims is found in neighboring communities, he is helplessly drawn in to the investigation. The hunt for the killer becomes personal and Tucker isn’t sure if he’s become the killer’s idol or his next victim.

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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Doughnuts and Deadly Schemes Blog Tour Review with Janel Gradowski

Doughnuts and Deadly Schemes
(Culinary Competition Mysteries Volume 3)
By Janel Gradowski
Publisher: Gemma Halliday Publishing
Published: May 29, 2015
ISBN: 9781514121986

Amazon Synopsis:

From bestselling mystery author Janel Gradowski comes a deliciously deadly mystery... Amy Ridley’s best friend, Carla, is getting married, and Amy is delighted to be recruited as the head wedding planner—even if Carla's demands are less than conventional. Case in point: Carla insists on a tower of doughnuts in place of a wedding cake. But navigating the world of nuptials becomes the least of Amy's problems when the owner of a menswear shop is found dead, and Carla's fiancée is assigned to the case. With the honeymoon in jeopardy, Amy and Carla vow to help track down the killer...but they soon discover there are even more sinister happenings affecting the businesses in downtown Kellerton, Michigan. If Amy doesn't figure out who is behind the deadly schemes, the nearly newlywed detective may just be solving another murder—hers!

**Recipes Included!**

Culinary Competition Mysteries:
Pies & Peril (book #1)
Chicken Soup & Homicide (book #2)
Christmas Canapés & Sabotage (short story)
Doughnuts & Deadly Schemes (book #3)

Praise for the Culinary Competition Mysteries:
"PIES & PERIL is the perfect cozy to curl up with in your favorite chair or at the beach while enjoying some sun. It’s teeming with a lot of charm and great characters along with many tidbits of delectable goodies perfect for any foodie. I was really looking forward to reading (Janel Gradowski's) first full length novel and it didn’t disappoint! PIES & PERIL is sure to please any reader who loves their cozy mysteries!" ~ Peeking Between the Pages

"PIES & PERIL is a beautiful debut and I know I will be eagerly awaiting the second book in the series. (Amy Ridley) had me laughing and smiling, and the warm cozy feeling of reading a good mystery never left me." ~ Cozy Reader

"PIES & PERIL is a fun read with, murder, arson, threats and romance in the plot! This is a very enjoyable story with a very satisfactory closure. There is also an added bonus of recipes at the end of the book. Amy's many trial recipes made me hungry and inspired me to bake some goodies! Enjoy!" ~ Indy Girl

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“These are so good,” Carla said as she broke off a chunk of the cinnamon maple doughnut. She popped the pastry in her mouth and washed it down with a sip of coffee. “I want a mountain of doughnuts instead of a fancy wedding cake.”
Carla had said the W word—wedding. Amy sighed as she turned back to her work. She plunged her latex-gloved hand into the bowl of blueberry glaze to retrieve the warm doughnut she had dropped during the moment of shock. The cake rings were supposed to only be dipped half way into the lavender-colored glaze, not released to sink to the bottom of the bowl.
Her fingers closed around the wayward doughnut as she reached with her other hand to free a square of waxed paper from the dispenser box at the back of the counter. She turned to look at her best friend as she let the excess glaze drip back into the bowl. “You’re thinking about wedding cakes…or at least a version of one. Does that mean you’ve set a date?”
Detective Bruce Shepler had asked Carla to marry him at the beginning of the year. It was a huge milestone for her formerly commitment-phobic friend, who had asked Amy to help plan the wedding right after the glittering engagement ring landed on her finger. Great. Wonderful. She would love to help. But since then the couple had refused to actually plan the wedding, saying they were too busy or hadn’t figured out what they wanted. Until now.
The quip about doughnuts instead of cake was the first time Carla had mentioned the big day on her own without being prompted by Amy.
Carla grinned. “June fifteenth.”
Amy plopped the overly glazed blueberry doughnut onto the square of waxed paper and set the extra-gooey baked good on the metal-topped table in front of Carla. They were in the smaller, original kitchen of Riverbend Café that housed the doughnut makers and a pastry decorating area. Carla had stopped in for breakfast, like she often did after she finished a night shift at the hospital. She ate and chatted while Amy worked through her morning baking tasks.
“So we have a year to plan? That should be enough time to come up with a fabulous wedding,” Amy said as she resumed her icing duties. She needed to catch up. Sophie, the café’s owner, had been quietly churning out doughnuts while Amy was distracted by the big wedding announcement. She deposited two, perfectly glazed doughnuts onto a cooling rack and turned to look at Carla as she grabbed two more naked doughnuts. Her friend was pretending to be completely engrossed in studying the newly delivered sweet treat. Amy cleared her throat.
“Not a year.” Carla looked up and met her gaze. “About three weeks from now.”
This time both of the unusually slippery doughnuts escaped from Amy’s grasp. They ricocheted off the edge of the stainless steel worktable then rolled across the white tile floor before ending their journey in front of the convection oven. Her mind would likely follow suit with all of her mental marbles rolling away, possibly never to be found again.

My Thoughts:

Amy is thrilled to be planning Carla and Bruce’s wedding. But when Carla finally decides on a date and it’s only 3 weeks away she nearly flips. Carla wants something simple and informal… and quirky, like a doughnut tower instead of a wedding cake. After all, Bruce is a police detective.

In fact, Bruce ends up being the lead detective in the murder investigation of one of the owners of the men’s formal wear shop where he was ordering his wedding suit. If the case isn’t solved before the nuptials, Bruce won’t be able to concentrate on his honeymoon. So Amy and Carla vow to help track down the killer.

This cozy mystery involved much more than just one murder as Amy and Carla discover. The twists and turns come fast and furious. It’s as though the killer is toying with his subjects.

Getting all the details sorted out for Carla and Bruce’s wedding is no mean feat either and there are a number of twists and turns that take place for that to happen. The author does an excellent job of bringing these two storylines (the wedding and the murder) together in an interesting and sometimes humorous way.

There are a few big surprises in the story that I won’t share, but I will tell you that there are a few recipes in the back of the book included for you to try out as in all of the Culinary Competition Series books.

I thoroughly enjoyed this cozy mystery. It was fast-paced and fun to read. I gave it 5 stars out of 5.

Thank you to the author who provided a copy of the book in exchange for a fair and honest review. A positive opinion was not required. All thoughts are my own.

About the Author:

Janel Gradowski lives in a land that looks like a cold weather fashion accessory, the mitten-shaped state of Michigan. She is a wife and mom to two kids and one Golden Retriever. Her journey to becoming an author is littered with odd jobs like renting apartments to college students and programming commercials for an AM radio station. Somewhere along the way she also became a beadwork designer and teacher. She enjoys cooking recipes found in her formidable cookbook and culinary fiction collection. Searching for unique treasures at art fairs, flea markets and thrift stores is also a favorite pastime. Coffee is an essential part of her life. She writes the Culinary Competition Mystery Series, along with The Bartonville Series (women’s fiction) and the 6:1 Series (flash fiction). She has also had many short stories published in both online and print publications.

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Monday, June 15, 2015

Precipice Blog Tour by M. Pax with Guest Post, Excerpt, Giveaway - What is Space Opera?

I welcome today to Shelf Full of Books, M. Pax, author of Precipice, a space opera. There's a lot going on, so hold grab your cup of coffee, sit down and find out more about this exciting book.

by M. Pax



In the far future, humanity settles the stars, bioengineering its descendants to survive in a harsh universe. This is the sixth book in the science fiction series, The Backworlds. A space opera adventure.

The Backworlds hang by a Quantum string, a thread about to snap. Annihilation is coming if Craze can’t stop it.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Book Review: The Journey by John A. Heldt

The Journey (Northwest Passage Book 2)
By John Heldt
Publisher: John A. Heldt
Published: Nov. 4, 2012

Amazon Synopsis:

Seattle, 2010. When her entrepreneur husband dies in an accident, Michelle Preston Richardson, 48, finds herself childless and directionless. She yearns for the simpler days of her youth, before she followed her high school sweetheart down a road that led to limitless riches but little fulfillment, and jumps at a chance to reconnect with her past at a class reunion. But when Michelle returns to Unionville, Oregon, and joins three classmates on a spur-of-the-moment tour of an abandoned mansion, she gets more than she asked for. She enters a mysterious room and is thrown back to 1979. 

Friday, June 12, 2015

Book Review: Celia and Cedric: Amazing Apples by Erin Kurt and Laara Exnar

The Yummy Adventures of Celia & Cedric: Amazing Apples! (Volume 1)
By Erin Kurt and Laara Exnar
Publisher: Createspace
Published: Apr. 17, 2015
ISBN: 9781508712589

Amazon Synopsis:

Celia is bored. And with everyone in her family busy she doesn’t know what to do...until her dad gives her a task that leads to her best day ever; the day she meets Cedric and their yummy adventures begin! This is the first book of "The Yummy Adventures of Celia & Cedric" series. Other books in the series are: "The Yummy Adventures of Celia & Cedric: Eat Dirt Balls" "The Yummy Adventures of Celia & Cedric: Little Green Dragon"

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