Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Face Transplant Blog Tour with R. Arundel

The Face Transplant
By R. Arundel
Publisher: The Face Transplant
Published: Dec. 10, 2013
ISBN: 978-0991979905

Amazon Synopsis:

Dr. Matthew MacAulay is a Facial Transplant Surgeon at a prestigious New York hospital. His friend and mentor, Tom Grabowski, dies under mysterious circumstances. Matthew is forced to investigate. He uncovers his friend’s secret. A new technique that allows perfect facial transplants. No incisions, no scars. The surgeon is able to transplant one person’s face to another with the perfect result. Tom was able to accomplish this monumental feat with the help of Alice, a supercomputer robot with almost human abilities.

While trying to find the people responsible for murdering his friend Tom, Matthew realizes he is the prime suspect. Matthew must flee for his life with the help of Dr. Sarah Larsson, a colleague and reluctant helper who has a secret of her own. Alice helps them make sense of a baffling series of seemingly unrelated events. Matthew is forced to undergo a facial transplant to hide his identity and 

Monday, September 29, 2014

Thirty-Two Going on Spinster Blog Tour and Giveaway with Becky Monson

Thirty-Two Going on Spinster
By Becky Monson
Publisher: Becky Monson
Published: Dec. 17, 2013

Amazon Synopsis:

Julia Dorning is a spinster, or at least on the road to becoming one. She has no social life, hates her career, and lives in her parent’s basement with her cat, Charlie. 

With the arrival of Jared Moody, the new hire at work, Julia’s mundane life is suddenly turned upside down. Her instant (and totally ridiculous) crush on the new guy causes Julia to finally make some long-overdue changes, in hopes to find a life that includes more than baking and hanging out with Charlie. 

But when the biggest and most unexpected change comes, will the new and improved Julia be able to overcome it? Or will she go back to her spinster ways?

Book Links

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Book Review: Exodus From Egypt by Anat Umansky

Exodus From Egypt
By Anat Umansky
Publisher: Anat Umansky
Published: June 9, 2014

Amazon Synopsis:

Age Level: 6 - 12 | Grade Level: 1 – 7

Children love great stories.

Bible's Stories have all the precise components to be great and are one of the primary ways they learn about the ancient world and themselves. 

The Story of Exodus is a marvelous one. It contains social issues like freedom, Faiths, Beliefs, miracles and hope. It is a story of a small baby who should be thrown to the Nile river and die, yet succeeded to become a great leader. 

Although the world is so much different today from the way it was two-three thousand years ago, the people are pretty much the same. 

Friday, September 26, 2014

Spurs and Lace by Bonnie Paulson FREE ebook

Start the series for FREE with Spurs and Lace!

Spurs and Lace

***This is the first book in a SERIES. Not all plots are resolved in this book and there is a "cliffhanger" type ending. All of the plot points will be resolved by the final book in the series. It is a sweet-style romance.***

Feuding with his houseguest’s brother and torn between worry and frustration over his twin, Slate MacCallister brings the rural doctor to his ranch in a record-breaking snow storm to save the boy Slate loves like a son.

Dr. Becky O’Donald is a city girl stuck in Nowhereville, Montana trying to hack down her massive student loan debt. Thrown into a medical nightmare by MacCallister and certain there is more going 

Book Review: 365 Life Season 2 by Tamar Knochel

365 Life Season 2
By: Tamar Knochel
Publisher: Tamar Knochel
Published: May 31, 2014

Amazon Synopsis:

If you've ever struggled reading through the entire Bible then this book is for you! For 34 years Tamar Knochel tried to read through the Bible, but just couldn't seem to do it. Until one day God challenged her to WRITE through the Bible in a Year Alphabetically on her blog. It took her over TWO years to get it juuust right, but she did it! This e-book is the result of that challenge. It includes links to a year's worth of daily Bible readings (in the English Standard Version) and devotional blogs that go with them. May God bless you in the reading of His Word!

Book Links

Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Watchers: Knight of Light (Bk 1) Book Blast, Trailer and Giveaway with Deirdra Eden

The Watchers Book 1: Knight of Light

 In England, 1270 A.D., Auriella (pronounced yurr-ee-ella) flees her village after being accused of witchcraft. Pursued by nightmarish creatures, she struggles to accept the truth about her humanity. Filled with fairies, dwarves, pixies, dragons, demons, and monsters, Knight of Light is an enthralling tale that will capture the imaginations of readers young and old.

The Watchers Series has been described as Braveheart meets Supernatural. The mythology for the series is based on many theological texts from dozens of sects with correlating themes. Ancient writings include The Dead Sea Scrolls, The Traditional Apocrypha, The Pearl of Great Price, and The Kabbalah.

“The Watchers” are supernatural beings in human form whose duty it is to protect and guard mankind from the armies of darkness. Unfortunately, as the Book of Enoch mentions, some of these Watchers go bad. Although the mythology is based on these texts, Deirdra Eden’s The Watcher’s Series is written in a traditional fairytale style with a young girl’s discovery of incredible, but dangerous powers within herself, a cast of humorous side-kicks, a quest for greater self-discovery and purpose, and villains of epic proportions

About the Author

"My goal in writing is to saturate my books with intrigue, mystery, romance, and plot twists that will keep my readers in suspense. I want to see fingerprints on the front and back covers where readers have gripped the novel with white knuckles! Aside from writing, I enjoy jousting in arenas, planning invasions, horseback riding through open meadows, swimming in the oceanhiking, up mountains, camping in cool shady woods, climbing trees barefoot, and going on adventures."
-Deirdra Eden

> Find Deirdra Eden and The Watchers Series online on AmazonDeirdra's websiteFacebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Wattpad, and Pinterest.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Guest Post: Beat the Blues of Self-Publishing by Christina Benjamin

Christina Benjamin joins us today on Shelf Full of Books. She's a self-published author of the book Truth (The Geneva Project Bk1) which was recently reviewed on this blog. Today she's here to provide some insights into self-publishing to all you Indie authors out there. Welcome, Christina.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Shatter Point Book Blast and Giveaway with Jeff Altabef

About the book:

3D-ShatterPointMaggie met Cooper at a young age, but even then she sensed something was wrong with him. His charm, good looks, and wealth could not hide the danger that burned in his sapphire eyes. Some nightmares don’t go away. He’d been haunting her from a distance for as long as she could remember. Now things have changed. When her sons Jack and Tom discover she’s been taken, they set out to rescue her and uncover nefarious family secrets, explosive government conspiracies, and a series of horrific murders along the way. Only their colorful great aunt and a covert resistance group can help them navigate the dark underworld full of political subterfuge and class warfare. All the while, Maggie struggles to outwit her tormentor in a life and death psychological battle of tense desperation. Will Jack and Tom arrive before Cooper reaches his shatter point?

Plagues of Eden (Eden Thrillers Book 4) Blog Tour with Sharon Linnea and B.K. Sherer

Plagues of Eden (Eden Thrillers Book 4)
By Sharon Linnea and B.K. Sherer
Publisher: Arundel Publishing
Published: Sept. 6, 2014
ASIN: B00MQC0636

Amazon Synopsis:

THE WHEEL SPINS. CHAOS IS UNLEASHED. 72 HOURS AND COUNTING UNTIL THE DEATH OF THE FIRSTBORN… The race is on to stop a madman bent on unleashing the ancient plagues of Egypt against the modern world. The countdown has begun. Only Army Chaplain Jaime Richards, along with rock star Mark Shepard, can stop the catastrophe and save the mysterious Sword 23 from the clutches of a psychopath... if they can find the true mastermind in time. 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Raven: Episode 2 (Chronicles of Steele) by Pauline Creeden

Chronicles of Steele: Raven  (Episode 2)
By Pauline Creeden
Publisher: AltWit Press
Published: Sept. 6, 2014

Amazon Synopsis:

Episode 2 of a 4 part Steampunk Fantasy set in an alternate universe. For Captain Jack Grant, the hunt has just begun. Can he capture the elusive Raven Steele, or will she slip through his grasp? As both sides take on new alliances, they will find that one will be an honest partner, one will fall, and one will betray them all.

Book Links

Raven (Chronicles of Steele Episode 3) by Pauline Creeden FREE on Amazon!



Human life has value. The poor living in the gutter is as valuable as the rich living in a manor. The scoundrel is no less valuable than the saint. Because of this, every life a reaper takes must be redeemed. Raven has lived by this first tenet since she was trained by her father to become a reaper. But since his death, she’s been spending years redeeming the lives she’s taken. By her count, she’s even and it’s time for that life to end. If she settles down and becomes a wife, she might just feel human again. But on the way to the life she thinks she wants, the baron of New Haven asks her to complete a task which she cannot ignore… Just when Raven decides to give up on her life as an assassin, she’s pulled right back in. The Chronicles of Steele: Raven is a steampunk-inspired fantasy set in an alternate universe.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Guest Post with Tegon Maus, Author of The Eve Project Series

Today's Guest Post is written by Tegon Maus, author of Machines of the Little People and The Wishing Stone (The Eve Project Series). He'll be telling us about the condition that his main character Ben Harris suffers from. But first, a little bit about Tegon himself.

About the Author:

            I was raised pretty much the same as everyone else... devoted mother, strict father and all the imaginary friends I could conjure. Not that I wasn't friendly, I just wasn't "people orientated". Maybe I lived in my head way more than I should have, maybe not. I liked machines more than people, at least I did until I met my wife.

         The first thing I can remember writing was for her. For the life of me I can't remember what it was about... something about dust bunnies under the bed and monsters in my closet. It must have been pretty good because she
married me shortly after that. I spent a good number of years after inventing games and prototypes for a variety of ideas before I got back to writing.

         It wasn't a deliberate conscious thought, it was more of a stepping stone. My wife and I had joined a dream interpret group and we were encouraged to write down our dreams as they occurred. "Be as detailed as you can," we were told.

         I was thrilled. If there is one thing I enjoy it's making people believe me and I like to exaggerate. Not a big exaggeration or an out right lie mine you, just a little step out of sync, just

Thursday, September 18, 2014

For Love and Country (The Horstberg Saga Vol. 3) Blog Tour and Giveaway with Elizabeth D. Michaels

Horstberg saga

For Love and Country
For Love and Country 

When A Man Is Torn Between Honoring His Country And The Woman He Loves, The Best Option Might Be To Choose Both.   When Maggie du Woernig willfully ignores her parents’ admonitions and entangles herself with Nik Koenig, she is certain he’s the only man who will make her happy. Blind to Nik’s real intentions, she throws herself recklessly into a situation that could not only destroy her life but compromise the safety of her country.   Han Heinrich has resigned himself to working in the castle stables, mostly as an excuse to have contact each day with Maggie. His

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Book Review: Terran Psychosis by Chris Votey

Terran Psychosis (Cosmic Revolt Series Book 1)
By Chris Votey
Publisher: Chris Votey Publishing
Published: February 14, 2014
ASIN: February 14, 2014

Amazon Synopsis:

A man who thinks he is an alien finds himself in a mental institution. He has been visited by many doctors, but none of them were able to help him. The hospital has brought in a specialist to try to get some answers. This specialist is the top of his field and he may be able to unlock the secrets of the patient and be able to answer: Is he an alien, or simply a man seeking attention.

Book Links

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Blessed Are the Peacemakers by Mike Berenstain

Blessed Are the Peacemakers
By Mike Berenstain
Publisher: Zonderkidz
Published: July 29, 2014
ISBN: 978-0310734819

Amazon Synopsis:

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the sons of God.” Matthew 5:9
In this new Berenstain Bears 8x8 book, Blessed are the Peacemakers , Brother and Sister have a wide circle of friends at Bear Country School and they get along with pretty much everyone. But not all their friends get along with each other. Too Tall and his bullying gang, for instance, are often in conflict with Cousin Fred, Ferdy Factual, and their friends. So what happens when the cubs all need to work together on the annual school play? Brother and Sister have to decide whether they should “mind their own business” or get involved as peacemakers and try to calm the troubled waters.

Book Links

Monday, September 15, 2014

Elixir Bound Book Blitz with Katie Carroll

YA fantasy
by Katie L. Carroll

Katora Kase is next in line to take over as guardian to a secret and powerful healing Elixir. Now she must journey into the wilds of Faway Forest to find the ingredient that gives the Elixir its potency. Even though she has her sister and brother, an old family friend, and the handsome son of a mapmaker as companions, she feels alone.

Book Review: Truth (The Geneva Project Book 1) by Christina Benjamin

Truth (The Geneva Project Book 1)
By Christina Benjamin
Publisher: Crown Atlantic Publishing
Published: Mar. 27, 2014

Amazon Synopsis:

Runner Up - London Book Festival 
Top Choice - www.litpik.com

Gold Medal - FAPA Awards

Trapped on a flood ravaged island full of orphans, natives and wealthy citizens of the prosperous city Lux, a young girl named Geneva finds herself enslaved at an orphanage with no future and a past she can’t remember. That all changes when she meets someone who promises her that there’s more in store for her than she ever could have imagined.

 Her once dull life rapidly spirals out of control as she starts to acquire new magical powers that may be the key to unlocking an ancient legend along with her true identity. But first she must master these powers, all while trying to keep them secret from her friends and the evil head mistress at the orphanage. Before she knows it, Geneva is in 

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Book Review: Fear Has a Name by Creston Mapes

Fear Has a Name: A Novel (The Crittendon Files)
By Creston Mapes
Publisher: David C. Cook
Published: June 1, 2013


WINNER: 2013 Romantic Times Readers Choice Award 
for Best Inspiration Thriller-Suspense Novel

Amazon #1 Top-Rated Christian Suspense Novel

Ideal for fans of Ted Dekker, Frank Peretti, Jerry Jenkins, Joel Rosenberg and Davis Bunn.

How Far Would He Go To Keep Them Safe?

It was more than a break-in. More than a stalking. It was personal. When a stalker targets his family, journalist Jack Crittendon must uncover who the person is and what his motives are—if he is to protect the ones he loves. It will lead Crittendon into a world of behind-closed-door secrets and faith gone awry, as does his investigation of a missing pastor, whose apparent suicide is more than it appears. Each move Crittendon makes weaves him tighter and tighter into a web of lies, greed, hypocrisy, sin, and danger. He believed he’d never give in to fear. But that was before. And holding on to his faith won’t be easy. Nor will keeping his family safe, and ending the terror. Because that might require him to step over lines he never dared to cross.

Book Links

My Thoughts:

Fear Has a Name is a multilayered novel. The main theme is about the stalker that has targeted the Crittendon family. He has broken into their home, but taken nothing of significant value. The second theme is the pastor who seems to have disappeared in order to commit suicide. His wife though, is convinced this is not the case. There Is more going on here than meets the eye though. Crittendon is having trouble getting to the bottom of it because his mind is on the safety of his family. He has to find out who is stalking his wife.

I found this story complex and fascinating as the author not only wove both stories, but wove them together into one when they seemed disconnected at first. I liked the main characters Jack and Pam Crittendon. They seemed like real people you might meet anywhere. I felt very sorry for the stalker who I think was the way he was due a large part to his abusive upbringing.

I liked the pacing of the book too. I certainly had no problem finishing Fear Has a Name in short order, not because it was a short book, but because it was so entertaining that reading it was not a chore, but rather a pleasure and I seemed to tune out everything else.

I would highly recommend Fear Has a Name to anyone who enjoys thriller-suspense novels. This one is a winner. I rated this novel 5 stars out of 5.

I purchased this book on Amazon.

About the Author:

A journalist, copywriter, and editor, Creston works from his home-office in Atlanta for some of the nation's top media companies, Christian ministries, and nationally-recognized corporations, including Chick-fil-A, Coke, ABC-TV, and The Weather Channel. In addition to Creston's novels and freelance writing, he has ghostwritten and edited seven non-fiction titles. 

Creston is married to his hometown sweetheart, Patty. They have a close-knit family, with four great children, several pets, and a growing number of cars.

Author Links

Website  *  Twitter  *  Facebook

Friday, September 12, 2014

Hunter Cover Reveal with Renee Donne

Hunter cover reveal banner 

Anaiah Press is proud to present the cover reveal for YA novel HUNTER by Renee Donne.

Moving across the country isn’t Hunter’s ideal start to her Junior year of high school. She has no friends to hang out with, no beaches to lounge on, and she’s living just a few miles from the secluded hiking trail where her father died when she was a baby.

Living in Wyoming isn’t all bad, though, thanks to Logan, the handsome veterinary assistant at the animal clinic where she lands an after school job. And he seems just as interested in her as she is in him.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Book Review: Jimi and His Friend Joe (A Music Audio Story) by Anna-Christina

Jimi & His Friend Joe (A Music Audio Story)
By Anna-Christina
Publisher: Busy Bees Publishing
Published: Oct. 28, 2013
ASIN: B00G955O4C

Goodreads Synopsis:

Based on a tabby cat with unusually large ears called Jimi, this is a story about two unlikely friends. The story takes you on a farm yard adventure and features an unexpected twist in the music. Written, composed and narrated by Anna-Christina, ‘Jimi & his friend Joe’ is the fourth audio book produced by Anna-Christina and producer/engineer Adie Hardy of Busy Bees Publishing.

The story includes an original classical soundtrack with an unexpected twist. Character voices by Anna-Christina and Adie Hardy. Rob Stitch (singer of Rhino) as Jimi the cat, Susie Lewis (you may have seen Susie as Harriet in the Play Colder Than Here) as Moorerag the Border Collie and Tom 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Guest Post: Disabled Writer Writes - Living with Post Concussion Syndrome by Chris Votey

These days I have a lot of time dedicated towards my craft. When I'm not writing, I am marketing, and when I'm not writing or marketing, I am exploring the community. Sounds ideal, almost like I'm a full-time writer.

However, this luxury given to me is because of my disability. In retrospect, it is not so much a luxury as it is a curse. I suffer from a condition known as Post Concussion Syndrome. To sum it up, it is a condition that affects how my mind functions. I have memory issues, light and noise sensitivity, focus and concentration issues, mood swings, and getting overstimulated when in public or new environments.

Most of my life is spent in my home, namely in my room. Whether it is writing a few words or doing a chore, I easily get overwhelmed. In light of my disability, I've had to learn how to cope with my disability to be a writer. Doing so, I have released one book so far being disabled and has had good reviews.

First and foremost, I feel bad, and I always will feel bad. If I stop doing something because I feel bad, I would be locked away in a dark room doing nothing. I don't want that. So even when I feel bad while I do something, I must push through it to accomplish something.

One of the key things I do is take breaks... often. When it comes to writing, I can give a good hour of writing and churn out 1000 words. Then I take a short break. Do another hour, take a longer break. Do another hour, take a much longer break.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Princess Nevaeh Blog Tour with Paulette Harper

Princess Nevaeh
By Paulette Harper
Publisher: Thy Word Publishing
Published: Sept. 4, 2014

Amazon Synopsis:

Six year old Nevaeh wants to be something she already is. She will soon learn that her wish to be a princess takes a little more than just asking. Lessons on self-discovery are taught by her Mimi who makes her understand that being a princess takes work.

Book Links

Forgetting Allyssa Blog Tour and Giveaway with Stephanie Romans

Forgetting Allyssa
By Stephanie Romans
Publisher: illusio & baqer
Published: Aug. 7, 2014

Amazon Synopsis:

Amnesia. What a Better way to start off senior year of high school? 

When seventeen year old Allyssa Bradshaw wakes up from the nap of a lifetime things aren't really adding up. Her face feels like it's gone through the toaster and she doesn't recognize the people standing around her - she doesn't even recognize herself. 

Clearly she's woken up on the wrong side of the hospital gurney. 

As she recovers from an attack she doesn't remember, Allyssa is thrown into what feels like someone else's life. Despite her lack of memories, she heads off to school determined to start anew. What Allyssa doesn't expect is the backlash of a life she can't remember. The more she 

Monday, September 8, 2014

Chronicles of Steele: Raven Episode 2 by Pauline Creeden is FREE today!



Human life has value. The poor living in the gutter is as valuable as the rich living in a manor. The scoundrel is no less valuable than the saint. Because of this, every life a reaper takes must be redeemed. Raven has lived by this first tenet since she was trained by her father to become a reaper. But since his death, she’s been spending years redeeming the lives she’s taken. By her count, she’s even and it’s time for that life to end. If she settles down and becomes a wife, she might just feel human again. But on the way to the life she thinks she wants, the baron of New Haven asks her to complete a task which she cannot ignore… Just when Raven decides to give up on her life as an assassin, she’s pulled right back in. The Chronicles of Steele: Raven is a steampunk-inspired fantasy set in an alternate universe.


clear boarder2  
Pauline’s Newsletter Sign Up http://eepurl.com/Oe2Fn

Pauline CreedenPauline Creeden

Pauline Creeden is a horse trainer from Virginia, but writing is her therapy. In her fiction, she creates worlds that are both familiar and strange, often pulling the veil between dimensions. She becomes the main character in each of her stories, and because she has ADD, she will get bored if she pretends to be one person for too long.
Follow Pauline Creeden: 

Cover Reveal: Tess in Boots with Courtney Rice Gager

Tess in Boots banner

Tess in Boots

by Courtney Rice Gager

Anaiah Press is proud to present the book trailer reveal of Courtney Rice Gager's contemporary romantic novel

Tess in Boots

Release date: December 2, 2014

About the book:

Tess Dougherty plans every aspect of her life right down to the last detail. But she doesn’t plan on running her boyfriend off by bringing up the topic of marriage before he’s ready. And she doesn’t plan to lose her job on the day she’s set to receive a huge promotion. So when her perfect world unravels, Tess makes a new plan: disappear. 

Guest Post: Do I Sell My Book or Sell It's Content? by Paulette Harper, Author of Princess Nevaeh


Princess Nevaeh: Lessons on Self- Discovery 
by Paulette Harper
Paperback: 34 pages
Publisher: Thy Word Publishing (August 27, 2014)
ISBN-13: 978-0989969147

front cover 8 x 5
About The Book

Six year old Nevaeh wants to be something she already is. She will soon learn that her wish to be a princess takes a little more than just asking. Lessons on self-discovery are taught by her Mimi who makes her understand that being a princess takes work.

Do I Sell My Book or Sell Its Content?

As an author, I realize that we are excited about selling our books; but the truth of the matter is that we shouldn’t try to sell our books. Rather, we should focus on how our books can help someone else. This was a lesson I learned early in my publishing journey.

People will not buy your book if they don’t believe that what you have written will not help them emotionally, spiritually, practically, or even for enjoyment.

Finding tips or points in your book to highlight will make the difference between a buyer purchasing your book or someone else.  List the benefits your book can offer. How can your book help them deal with issues they may be facing? Writers of non-fiction, inspirational books might find this process quite easy; however, writers of fiction might find this process a little more challenging.

The key is to be different.  Offer a benefit that is decidedly different than anything that's out there. This might cause you to have to research books that are similar to what you are writing.  Creating a list of “benefits” for your book can aid in the marketing, promoting, and the campaigning in so many ways. First, those benefits can be highlighted and enhanced over and over during interviews.  It will help you stay focused on the points you want to convey to the reader and those points can be incorporated in the press release, media kit, and/or tip sheet.

Because the market is so competitive, try to stay ahead of the competition by offering the benefits your book can offer. 

About The Author

author photoPaulette Harper is an award-winning and best-selling author. She is the owner of Write Now Literary Virtual Book Tours and is passionate about helping authors succeed in publishing and marketing their books. Paulette has been writing and publishing books since 2008. Paulette is the author of That Was Then, This is Now, Completely Whole, Living Separate Lives and The Sanctuary. She resides in Northern, Ca.

Author Links
Website  *  Twitter  *  Facebook

Tour Hosted by: WNL Book Tours

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Book Review: The Third Heaven: The Rise of Fallen Stars by Donovan Neal

The Third Heaven: The Rise of Fallen Stars
By Donovan Neal
Publisher: Torn Veil
Published: Jan. 5, 2014

Amazon Synopsis:

The prequel to the Bible is here!

We have always thought Hell was created for man...we were so wrong.

The Third Heaven: The Rise of Fallen Stars is book one of a five part series that explores the fascinating story of the Fall of Lucifer.

Lucifer was God's perfect creation. Yet he rose up to betray the Lord and bring Heaven itself to civil war.

Many tales have referenced this great angelic war but few have sought to explore the behind the scene relationships between God and the angelic hosts. Why did a third of Heaven seek to overthrow their creator?

See Lucifer and his actions in a light never before seen. Journey back to the beginning, and see the drama unfold before your eyes: as allegiances are broken; choices made, and why all of creation waits for the manifestation of the sons of God!

˃˃˃ Man's was NOT the first sin

See the back-story to mankind's own story, in this powerful, gripping tale of angels at war.

Book Links

My Thoughts:

The Third Heaven: The Rise of Fallen Stars gives us the answers to the question most readers of the Bible have ever asked: How did Satan come to be? This novel is speculative fiction about how this angel fell from grace and became God’s worst enemy. The Bible doesn’t tell us much about how it happened, so it is in a sense, a pre-quel to the Bible.

The Third Heaven starts out interestingly enough. We are given beautifully detailed descriptions of heaven and of the different angels. Lucifer (the angel who eventually becomes Satan) is described several times as shining like living diamonds and his body also made beautiful music. We learn about the work that the angels do in heaven during the seven days of creation.

The book is flawlessly edited. That made the reading easy. What made the reading not so easy was the switching back and forth from old English (King James Bible English) to modern day English.

I followed along well enough through to about the halfway point in the book. What I found interesting were the parallels that the author drew among the scenes in his story and the stories in the Bible. An example would be where they are having a meal just before El (God) goes for his day of rest and he tells his angels that there is a betrayer among them. They ask who it is and El says it is the one he shares the sop in the cup with. Then he hands the cup to Lucifer. This is a parallel to Judas and Christ at the Last Supper. There were several of these types of parallels in the book. Unfortunately that aspect of the story will be lost on those who are not familiar with the Bible.

Once past the halfway point in the story, I found that the book just bogged right down for me and got decidedly boring. I was kind of struggling up until this point anyway because I really had a hard time being invested in any of the characters. I didn’t really like any of them and I didn’t really hate any of them. I did find El to be rather cold and distant, not the kind of loving and just sort of God that I know Him to be.

The scenes in the second half of the book just dragged on and on. I even skimmed part of the book just to get through it. I think the battles could have been shortened. I admit I was disappointed. I was so looking forward to reading an exciting book about how Lucifer thought himself better than God.

For me, this book was a 1 star out of 5, but that’s just my personal opinion.

I bought this book on Amazon for the purposes of reviewing it.

About the Author:

Donovan Neal  S. N. P. has served in the ordained ministry and as an instructor in the Bible for 20 years, and is the author of the self-published book, ‘The Gospel Explained.’ Donovan is also a prolific songwriter and singer having written over 50 different songs of praise and worship for the local church, and has performed in various schools and churches in the Ministry of Christian rap. 

He is an Adjunct Professor at Washtenaw Community College in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He is also a freelance writer for Examiner.com. Donovan has spent his entire 23-year career, helping underprivileged and disempowered populations ranging from abused and neglected children, adults with disabilities, to survivors of domestic abuse and sexual assault. He currently works to end hunger in his community.

He has been an experienced trainer in such areas as nonviolent crisis prevention intervention to adult CPR and First Aid with the Red Cross, Working with Different Personalities, and many more. Donovan brings a wealth of experience and interests that has allowed him to write on a host of subjects ranging from gaming, internet/technology, Christian themes, to nonprofit management and leadership. 

Donovan is currently working on the sequel to the The Third Heaven the Rise of Fallen Stars.

Contact Donovan at donovanmneal@yahoo.com

Author Links

Friday, September 5, 2014

Guest Post: Characters not Caricatures with Mister JMI

Hello everyone! Today I have a new author with a guest post for you today. Meet Mister JMI. He is is the author of The Glory, which I will be reviewing on this blog later on in the year. Today he's giving us his view on how he writes his characters. 

About the Author

Founder of Fictitious Fox Publishing, author of The Glory and owner of a sweet head of hair, Mister JMI is a longtime lover of the art of storytelling.  When he isn't lost in a storm of ink and paper you can find him buried up to his afro in comic books, wrapped up in an anime or clutching a video game controller.

At the age of 12, Mister JMI knew he wanted to become a writer. Unfortunately, his dream was delayed for over a decade due to suffering from a severe case of chronic procrastination.

Now fully recovered, Mister JMI is ready to unleash a deluge of exciting, funny and fantastic stories for your entertainment. So sit back, relax and enjoy.